Welcome to Our School
Welcome to Jefferson Parkway Elementary
3 months ago
Home of the Panthers
Motto: "Together WE Can!"
2011 Title I Distinguished School- 8 Consecutive Years 2011 Bronze Level Award for Greatest Gains in CRCT
(Governor's Office of Student Achievement)
Principal: Dr. Sean P. Dye
Motto: "Together WE Can!"
2011 Title I Distinguished School- 8 Consecutive Years 2011 Bronze Level Award for Greatest Gains in CRCT
(Governor's Office of Student Achievement)
Principal: Dr. Sean P. Dye
Asst. Principal: Dr. Enishea Stephens
Counselor: Dr. Hollie King
Please join our Remind Group Messaging System by texting: @jpespnthrs to 81010
Month in Advance
December 2024
Wednesday, December 11th
6:30pm (students arrive no later than 6:00pm)
Wednesday, December 18th
*Supply Lists available under School Information. Also available at Office Depot, Target & Wal-Mart on July 1, 2024.
Attendance & Transportation Notes
Starting next week, attendance notes can be emailed to JPESattendance@cowetaschools.net
Keeping track of your child's attendance is important. Snap a picture of your Dr notes or a parent medical note, so we can correctly mark your child's attendance of Infinite Campus.
Transportation changes can be stressful for us all, whether they be last minute or you forgot to send a note! We have created an email address just for these moments. All changes will be accepted until 1:30 pm. Please attach a vaild ID to the link: JPES Transportation
School Registration / Records
- Registration Information - English and Spanish
- Transcripts and Records
- Pre-K Application
Mission Statement
Mission Statement: Jump-Starting Pride and Excellence in all Students
Vision: "Meeting our students where they are and preparing them for where they want to go!"
-We believe that school and self-pride begins with how we greet and receive our students each day.
-We believe that excellence begins with the expectations that we set for our students.
-We believe that student success is a direct reflection of student preparation, parental support, and teacher expectations.
-We believe that, as educators, we set our students on the course for lifelong learning.
Welcome Back JPES!!
Black History Month/Morehouse Omega Psi Phi
JPES Student Authors!
Mona Dye!!
Veterans Day
Author Carmen Agra Deedy